NLG becomes dealer for Poortershaven

On 18 February 2016, NLG Holland became a dealer for Poortershaven. This company is located in Rotterdam and supplies soil-improving minerals. The dealership extends to bulb growers in the north of North Holland. It concerns three products: BioLit sand, Coccolith lime, and Leonardite. NLG Holland has been using the Poortershaven products for a longer period of time now. BioLit, Coccolith Lime, and Leonardite are natural materials. They improve the structure of the soil, as well as the bulbs and plants growing in it.


BioLit is pre-eminently suitable for use in manure and compost for soil improvement. BioLit is volcanic rock, also known as Diabas. The product originates in mountainous regions. It is the result of volcano eruptions from 400 million years ago. Volcanic rocks are characterised by their high levels of primary silicates. Not only aluminium silicates, but also potassium, calcium and magnesium silicates. In the soil, these form secondary silicates. One of these is the clay-humus complex that makes plants stronger. Effective microorganisms (EM) are added to the mix to reinforce the effect.

Coccolith Lime

In order to restore or improve the soil quality, you need lime. Coccolith lime is a completely natural agricultural lime. This fertiliser is easily soluble and comes in a granular form. This makes the lime easy to scatter and keeps the dust levels low. Granukal Grade 0 is an example of a coccolith lime. It has a microscopic fineness, soft structure and is easily soluble. This makes it a high-quality and fast-acting source of calcium. Granukal is the ideal fertiliser for use in spring.


Humic acids increase the activity of the microorganisms in the soil. This will add air to the cultivation layer. It will help root development and increases production. Leonardite is a fine example of such a humic acid. It comes from prehistorical plant material. It is a lignite deposit that is often found close to the surface. It is located between peat and coal layers. Leonardite has a high level of humic acids. Humic acids are produced by bacteria. These bacteria turn dead plant material into humic and fulvic acids. These acids consist of biochemically active elements. This means that humic acids are 100 percent natural.


Would you like to improve your soil in a sustainable manner? Order BioLit, Coccolith Lime or Leonardite from NLG Holland. Please contact Rob Tamis at +31 (0) 651 494 181 or by email:

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